A Very Royal Visit To Worcester & Local Garden Centre

On Tuesday 4th April 2023, Norton Parish Council held a Statue Ceremony for the bronze statue of a soldier, which was unveiled last year to commemorate city soldiers who fought in two World Wars. The statue pays tribute to the men who served in the Worcestershire Regiment and the contributions they made in the First World War and Second World War.
The sun was shining for the visit of Her Royal Highness Princess Anne who attended the statue ceremony, along with a number of her staff.



After the ceremony, we at St Peters Garden Centre had the pleasure of hosting dignitaries and veterans for tea and cake. Our managing director, William Blake also joined the special guests for this occasion.


Being so close to “The Sentry” memorial sculpture is an honour. It has such a meaningful story, reflecting the important history of our area. We were delighted to have hosted everyone involved in the ceremony at the garden centre afterwards.


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