Greening Your Space: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect House Plant


Welcome to the wonderful world of house plants, where lush foliage and vibrant colours breathe life into your living space. House plants not only add a touch of greenery to your home but also offer a range of benefits from improving air quality to boosting your mood. In this guide we’ll help you discover the perfect green companion for your home, based on your lifestyle, preferences and space.

Easy Care House Plants

If you’re new to the world of house plants or prefer something low-maintenance, opt for easy to care for house plants that thrive with minimal care. Consider these plants the perfect starting point for new plant parents and busy bees alike:


  • Snake Plant (Sanseviera/Dracaena) also known as Mother-in-law’s Tongue, is a hardy house plant that can tolerate low light and drought making it easy to care for. It’s characterised by sword-like leaves and comes in a number of different varieties
  • Aloe Vera is a favourite with house plant enthusiasts due to it’s low maintenance nature. Aloe doesn’t require much watering, about once every 2-3 weeks, as it stores water in its leaves. Place it in a brightly lit area to keep it looking healthy.
  • Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is a popular flowering house plant that’s relatively easy to grow and can tolerate low light conditions. Peace Lilys will let you know when they are in need of watering as their leaves will begin to droop and wilt.

If you have a tendency to forget to water your plants, look for an app such as Planta that will remind you when you’re plants need watering and give you advice on how to care for them.

House Plants for Dark Rooms

If your living space lacks natural light look for house plants that like shade. Illuminate your space with these plants that can adapt to low light conditions:

  • ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) are known for their ability to survive in low light conditions but can thrive in a range of light conditions. This plant can also handle infrequent watering and is slowgrowing so requires little in the way of care.
  • Monstera Monkey Mask (Monstera Adansonii) adds a touch of charm and character to your space with its perforated leaves and is hardy enough to tolerate moderate shade.
  • Chinese Money Plant (Pilea Peperomioides) has bright green, coinshaped foliage, is easy to care for and can adapt to lower light conditions.

Regularly check the condition of any house plants placed in low light areas to make sure they remain healthy.

House Plants that Clean the Air

Enhance your indoor air quality with plants known for their air-purifying properties. These are some of the best house plants for air purification:

  • Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata) is one of the best known plants for air purification, making it a beautiful and functional addition to the home for a breath of clean, fresh air.
  • Philodendron Imperial Red is a natural air purifier that removes toxins from the air, increasing the overall air quality in its surroundings. Its deep burgundy leaves add a touch of colour and elegance to indoor spaces.
  • Spider Plants (Chlorophytum Comosum) are renowned for their airpurifying qualities. They effectively remove indoor pollutants and contribute to a healthier indoor space. Spider plants can also produce baby spider plants, multiplying the quantity of air-purifying companions in your home.

Large House Plants

If you have spacious rooms or want to make a bold statement, large house plants can be a stunning addition to your interior. Consider these large and majestic house plants:

  • Areca Palms (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens) are tall elegant house plants with narrow full fronds that add a touch of sophistication to any space. They can grow up to 2m tall with multiple long arching fronds that gracefully extend outwards.
  • Yucca plants are visually interesting house plants that grow tall with striking swordshaped leaves, adding a bold and sculptural element to your interior décor.
  • Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant) boasts large, leathery leaves and can grow to around 1 meter in height. It’s an excellent choice for a modern and sophisticated space.

Small House Plants

If space is limited, small house plants are the perfect solution to add to windowsills, shelves and tabletops. Pick a petite house plant to add a touch of nature to your space:

  • Haworthia (Zebra Cactus) is a small, slowgrowing succulent plant. Its distinctive zebra-like stripes on it’s pointy green leaves make it a visually striking addition to your home.
  • Echeveria is another member of the succulent family of plants. Its rosetteshaped leaves and vibrant hues resemble a flower, adding natural beauty and charm to any room.
  • String of Hearts (Ceropegia Woodii) is a trailing vine plant adorned with small heartshaped leaves that adds character to indoor spaces. Perfect for hanging planters and pots, windowsills and shelves


Choosing the right house plant involves considering your lifestyle, space and preferences. Whether you’re drawn to easy-care options, need plants suitable for low light areas, want to make a bold statement with large house plants or prefer the charm of smaller varieties, there is a perfect house plant for you.


Want to learn more about how to care for house plants? Join us at St Peters for our Happy Houseplants talk on the 17th July 2024.

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