Leo's Locks for The Little Princess Trust


One young boy named Leo has emerged as a shining example of compassion and generosity. Leo, his mum, Claire and dog, Luna came to visit us at St Peters Garden Centre for a chat, and here’s his story.

Leo is 7 years old, who loves street dancing, computing, and playing with Lego. Leo decided to grow his hair at the start of lockdown in 2020 when he was just 4 years old, as no one was able to get to a hairdresser. It was this moment that sparked an idea for him. Leo wanted to grow his hair as long as he could, and then donate it to the little boys and girls at The Little Princess Trust.

The Charity

The Little Princess Charity is an organisation dedicated to providing real hair wigs to children suffering from hair loss due to cancer treatment, alopecia, or other medical conditions. These wigs help restore the self-esteem and confidence of the children, allowing them to feel beautiful and comfortable in their own skin. Each wig costs around £550 to make, and they usually make wigs consisting of several different people’s hair. This wonderful charity is based in Hereford, and if you’d like to read more about them, you can do so here.


The Haircut

After years of growing his hair, Leo has decided it’s time for him to cut his long locks, and try and raise as much money as he can for The Little Princess Charity, whilst also donating his hair.

When Leo first envisioned cutting his hair for charity, he had one wish — to have Santa Claus present who he met at St Peters Garden Centre last December. The news of Leo's wish reached the ears of Santa Claus who was deeply moved by the young boy's compassion.

On Saturday 2nd December 2023, Leo and Santa Claus will meet at St Peters Garden Centre for the big haircut! Leo is trying to raise as much money as he can for this brilliant cause, and would be so grateful for any donation. If you would like to donate to Leo’s fundraiser, you can do so via the link below:

Donate Now

We’re very excited to host Leo and Santa Claus in December for The Big Haircut, and we’re really grateful to Leo and mum Claire for approaching us.

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