Our Contribution to The Queen's Green Canopy

The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a fantastic, nationwide initiative that began in May 2021 in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2022, and to mark her 70 years on the throne. It was created to widely encourage tree planting, and to protect native tree cover throughout United Kingdom.

The three-step process encourages people to learn about tree planting, the benefits, and how to keep trees flourishing:

  1. Plan – find out how the tree planting season works, and when to plant
  2. Plant – understand tree planting, and plant your own
  3. Protect – learn how to keep your tree flourishing

The QGC continue to create a living legacy with over a million trees planted in Her Majesty’s name across the nation.

At St Peters Garden Centre, we’re very proud to be involved in this wonderful initiative, and we have planted our very own Silver Birch tree.

Geoff, our Nature & Wildlife Specialist grew it from a seedling which he found in his garden, and our Managing Director, William Blake, along with his children Oliver and Poppy enjoyed planting this lovely tree in our nature trail area at Poppy’s Farm.

Some quick facts about a silver birch:

  • A silver birch is otherwise known as ‘Lady of the Woods’
  • It’s a fast grower, and occupies growing space very quickly
  • It supports a high number of insects

We love encouraging adults and children to enjoy wildlife and nature at St Peters Garden Centre, and The Queen’s Green Canopy goes hand in hand with our values.

Come and have a look at our tree, take photos, and ask us for advice on planting your own!

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